Friday, September 21, 2007

'F' Myspace!

I have to admit, I am a Myspace user. A claim I am more apt to type than verbalize out loud. has gone to the dogs. Today, in 2 hours and 47 minutes, I've received 18 add requests. No, not friends, just adds... Spam. Lets make it 19; I've just received one more. If I had some 'high school' urge to FEEL popular, I just might add all of these false profiles, like some do. It wouldn't be so bad, but it fills up my inbox with 'blah blah would like to be added as one of your friends..." What more can I possibly do than 'Mark as Spam,' I just have to endure the annoyance, and hope that good will triumph!

And one more, why not make it an even 20...
And... One more...


Anonymous said...
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Mat Calica said...

Wow. I guess it's only fitting that I receive SPAM on my post about the inundation of spam in my inbox.